ONE 99
Arch of the Sergii
Arch of the Sergii in Pula, the Ancient Golden Gate

Arena One 99 offers proximity to Pula and its wonderous ancient landmarks, including the famous “Golden Gate,” the Arch of the Sergii. Lucius Sergius Lepidus, who participated in the Battle of Actium, was the hero celebrated through the creation of this triumphal arch. But before and after him, the Sergii were influentials over these domains for centuries.
The ancient “Arch of the Sergii, leaned against a former city gate – the “Golden Gate” or “Porta Aurea” – by many accounts to commemorate the victory in the Battle of Actium. It was commissioned by Salvia Postuma Sergia, wife of Lucius Sergius Lepidus. However, because Salvia erected this memorial “de sua pecunia” (with her own money) to honour the dead, experts do not consider this a triumphal arch. Plus: a statue of Salvia was integrated into the gate after her death – and many other elements of the monument suggest that the Sergii triumphed like epic heroes in death. As Fred S. Kleiner notes, “at the apex of the vaulted bay, in a lozenge-shaped panel, is an eagle carrying a serpent skyward – a clear reference to the ascent of the Sergii family to heaven.”
The original Porta Aurea, or the “Golden Gate,” was demolished during the city expansion in the 19th century. Yet, the Arch of the Sergii survived and stands today as one of the most important landmarks of Pula – a must-see attraction when you drive to the largest city of Istria from Arena One 99 in Pomer. Many of the city’s open-air performances and events take place around the Arch of the Sergii. Plus, this Pula landmark is a rendezvous-point too. From here on, a shopping haven stretches out to keep you busy for hours.
Address: Pomer 26/B, 52203 Medulin
GPS N: 44° 49' 12.721", E: 13° 54' 8.815"
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